The Inverted Pyramid, Mark 10:32-45


We will look at an interaction that Jesus had with His disciples where Jesus gives them a clear call to put others ahead of themselves. He turned the pyramid upside down and challenges us to do the same by using our influence to serve rather than be served.

Mark 10: 35-37: James and John want to be at the top of the pyramid. This is our natural tendency.

Vs. 38-39: Jesus responds: You really don’t know what you are asking. In Mark 10:32-34 Jesus had predicted His forthcoming betrayal, suffering and death.

V. 40: Jesus says: Leave to God the determination of your position.

V. 42: Jesus uses government officials of the day as an illustration. He says they leverage their position to be OVER people.

V. 43- 44: Jesus inverts the pyramid. He says that greatness is found not in what we get out of people but what we give, not out of what they can do for us, but what we can do for them.

V. 45: Jesus – the Greatest One – is on His way to the cross to give His life away.

Servanthood is foremost a heart issue

The first step is to recognise our selfishness

All of us have spheres of influences wherein we are called to exercise servanthood: with family, friends, co-workers, and within the community and the church.

A culture of servanthood is world-changing.

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