Mark 1: 21-45 ( SS)


Mark 1: 21-45

Andrew Van Wijk

Why did Jesus leave his hometown?

Luke 4:16-30 – It was custom in those days that all the Jewish men would go to the local synagogues to pray, praise and listen to the scripture being read and interpreted by a Rabbi. On this occasion was given the book of Isaiah, and He started to read out of Isaiah 61:1-2, and He also gave his interpretation of it. All that was in the synagogue was not very pleased with his interpretation of it, so they threw Him out of the city and attempted to throw Him off the cliff which the city was built on.

Sermon Comments: He was a Rabbi that preached a different message.

Scripture had to be fulfilled. (Matthew 4: 14-16)

What made Jesus different from the other scribes?

He taught as one who had authority

He taught like no one else. The scribes were so filled with tradition that the reading of scripture became dead, instead of giving life. Now Jesus was different. He is the Word made alive (John 1:1; v14), so whenever He taught, it would have been as if God is talking directly to you. He taught on something new, something that gave the people a new perspective, new hope; He taught on the kingdom of God (v22; v27).

He was the holy one of God

Even though He was the holy one of God, it was still very important to Him to take time and be with God on his own. (Mark 1:35)

He knew where his power came from.

He was anointed (Acts 10:38, Luke 4:18) – The amazing thing about this is that the Jews were waiting for someone to come and set them free from the enemy, which in their eyes were the Romans. This is exactly what Jesus came to do. He came to set us free from the enemy, but our enemy is not the Romans, in fact our enemy is not of this world. Our enemy is the devil. So Jesus did come to do what the Jews were hoping, and waiting for, but not in the way that they expected it.

Not just was He filled with compassion, He acted on it as well.

The man with an evil spirit

Peter’s mother-in-law

The multitude who gathered at the door of Peter’s house

The leper

Sermon Comments: He took the time to care for others. Not just when he could make time for them, but he did it immediately. When someone asks us to pray for them, do we say “Yes, we will.” And pray later, or do we pray right then and there when it is relevant to the person.

Final thought:

Allowing Jesus to have full authority of our lives will allow Him to change us forever. He will make scripture come alive. He will set us free. He will heal us. And He will make you a new person. The question is when will you go to Him and ask for help… Don’t wait – do it immediately.

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