Mark 4:21-34 (SS)
2 Comments »Mark 4:11 And He said to them, To you has been entrusted the mystery of the kingdom of God [that is, the secret counsels of God which are hidden from the ungodly]; (Amplified version)
Vs. 21-26 Leaving the Lights On
Being ‘Good Soil’
Consider carefully
The measure of thought and study we give to the Word of God - that much knowledge and virtue will come back to you
Thought 1 - In the Kingdom, what we have will grow, but even if we have nothing – that will also be taken.
Vs. 26 - 29 Sow. It grows.
The Kingdom - like a seed that grows
Grows by itself
He doesn’t know how it grows
We don’t control the seed
Thought 2
We need to sow the seed. But we don’t have any control over it
Vs. 30 - 34 Mustard, Anyone?
Kingdom of God - like a mustard seed
We may never know how what we do may affect the world around us
The Mystery of Kingdom of God - what is it?
Our Job - to allow the seed to take root and grow.
What seeds can we sow today?
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Thanks Sean, yeah I agree... I think we can also sow seeds of rest and relaxation - nowadays, it seems like people are always in a rush, without taking time to enjoy the little things, spending time at someone's house, admiring the beauty in nature - etc.
One of the most potent seeds we can plant is telling the story of God's work in our lives. It may seem small -- we are just one little person -- but it reveals how BIG our God is.
P.S. My story is here: