Mark 1: 1-20 (HG)
1 Comments »Mark 1: 1-20 – Home Group (WOW Lounge)
We approached Mark through the inductive method.
First we observed (who, what, when, where).
Who were the participants?
The Spirit
All the people of Judea
God, voice from heaven
What was happening? When (in what order) did it happen? And where was it happening?
Mark introduces Jesus with the prophecy from Isaiah
John came from the desert, to the river Jordan, and was baptizing for repentance of sin
All of Judaea and Jerusalem came to be baptized
Jesus came from Nazareth to be baptized
The Father was pleased and the Spirit came down like a dove
The Spirit sent Jesus to the wilderness to be tempted
John was put into prison
Jesus came to Galilee and recruited the first of his disciples
Interpretation was a round of question and discussions
Since John was not the inventor of baptism and was not the only one baptizing at the time, what made John unique?
He came from the desert, was dressed in camel skin and was eating locusts and wild honey
He preached baptism by water as a repentance of sins, not just a cleansing process or a public display of beliefs
He was the only one with firsthand knowledge that the Messiah had come, so his message regarding the prophecy would be more directed to the current time.
Since Jesus was sinless, why did Jesus need to be baptized for the repentance of sin?
To associate himself with us and to show his humanity
To complete a customary act and show that he was not here to change the civil law and traditions
To transform the reason for baptism from a Providence by Law to a Providence by Grace. Jesus showed that baptism, or any other religious tradition, really had nothing to do with law or tradition. It was an independent, conscious act on his part to observe and acknowledge God’s will. He did not have to be baptized, but he chose to be baptized.
Based on the fact that he chose to be baptized, could Jesus have sinned?
Yes, but he chose not to. He did not have the sinful nature that compels every other human to sin. If he could not sin, then he would not have had free will. Free will is simply the ability to either choose to sin or choose not to sin. In order to have that ability, you must be able to sin. Otherwise, the choice is not free.
Application of what was studied
Understand how Jesus changed the concept of religion from one based on traditions, customs, and laws to one based on grace.
We should choose to follow the Bible, not because of custom, but because of the original intention which is to show our acceptance and desire to be in God’s will.
Another possible reason why Jesus chose to get baptized might be to identify himself with the God of Abraham.
At the start of his ministry, people may not have known which God he represented. If they just heard of his miracles, they might have gotten confused.
By getting baptized in front of "all of Judaea", he was making that connection for everyone.
For example, if someone doesn't take communion, others might jump to the conclusion that they are not Christian. They may not take communion for a variety of reasons which don't really reflect their beliefs, but many people automatically jump to conclusions.
Jesus wanted to make sure that no one jumped to the wrong conclusion about him.