Mark 2:13 – 3:6 (HG)
0 Comments »Words that are repeated: Pharisees, sinner, tax collector, He/Him, disciples, eating/fasting, follow
Questions about the passage:
· If Jesus is the bridegroom, who is the bride?
· Why so many comparisons of old versus new? Old wineskin and old garment. Mark 2:20-21
· Who are “all the people” or “the multitudes”? Mark 2:13
· Why was Jesus not fasting? Mark 2:18-19
· Why are tax collectors and sinners identified separately? Why is sinner in quotes in the NIV? Mark 2:16
· When the Pharisees suggested that instead of healing the withered hand on the Sabbath he should do nothing, why did Jesus compare that between choosing good and evil? Was he saying that evil is the same as choosing to do nothing when you could have done good? Mark 3:4
· Where is the bridegroom going and why is he taken away? Mark 2:20
· How is the wineskin analogy applicable? Mark 2:22
· What does the name “Son of Man” mean? Mark 2:28
· What is lawful on the Sabbath? Mark 2:24
Four things the Pharisees didn’t like about Jesus and who they spoke to about it:
1. He was associating with tax collectors and sinners – the disciples
2. His disciples weren’t fasting – Jesus
3. They were picking grain on the Sabbath – Jesus
4. He was healing people on the Sabbath – the Herodians
In these four instances, how did Jesus respond and how did the Pharisees handle his response:
1. Jesus said he came for the sinners, not the righteous – no response
2. Jesus gave three parables – no response
3. Jesus reminded of them of the story of David and their own Scripture – no response
4. Jesus defiantly asked them if they would rather he do evil instead of good – they went out and conspired against him
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