Mark 2:13-3:6 (SS)


Mark 2:13-3:6

Grace vs Legalism

The Grace Killers (Pharisees) saw 3 Scandals:

1. Scandal of Sinners (2:13-17)

Jesus in Levi’s party eating with Tax Collectors and ‘Sinners’ (2:15-17)– Eating- a sign of intimate friendship.“Sinners” - Jews who did not keep the Law – Outcasts. Grand picture of Grace. Grace? Condescending favour – “to bend or stoop to an inferior” Undeserved / unmerited favour.

The Grace Killers: Why are you eating with sinners?

Jesus: I am the Great Physician.

The way of Grace: Belong – Believe – Behave

The way of Legalism – Behave – Believe - Belong

Who are stigmatized people in our context? What is our attitude towards them? Do we intentionally seek to build bridges with them in grace?

2. Scandal of a Sacred practice (Fasting) (2:18- 22)

Though Mosaic Law required fasting only once a year,(on the day of Atonement),the Pharisees had decreed that “godly people” should fast twice a week (Mon & Thursdays).

The Grace Killers: Why don’t your disciples fast?

Jesus: I am the Bridegroom.

By picturing Himself as a bridegroom and the disciples as his guests, he tells them that he had come to bring gladness, not sadness. During the weeklong Jewish wedding celebration, rabbis declared that joy was more important than observing religious rituals and wedding guests were exempt from observing rituals. Jesus was not against fasting ,only clarifying that there was a time and place for it..Jesus is introducing this new kind of relationship with him as one that is marked with joy , spontaineity and intimacy.

Jesus uses 2 more metaphors:

a. Unshrunk patch on old garment (2: 21) this new relationship with God can’t be patched on onto some old pattern of religious discipline, performance, or legalism.

b. New wine in old wineskins (2: 22) . This new life, like new wine which is still in the process of fermentation ,is active, powerful, dynamic, expanding and vibrant and cannot be enclosed in stiff, rigid structures of traditional religion. The wedding, the garment, and the new wine are all symbolic of the newness Jesus He ushers in the age of Grace in place of the age of the Law

Do we attempt to earn God’s favor through any spiritual discipline? (fasting, giving, prayer, bible study, church going etc)

Is legalism keeping God at arm’s length or are we relating to God in intimacy?

  1. Scandal of the Sabbath (2:23-3:6)

The Grace Killers: Why do your followers do what is unlawful on the Sabbath?

Jesus: I am the Lord of the Sabbath.

a. Disciples plucking Grain on the Sabbath (2:23-28) Jesus defends them by appealing to an episode from David's life (1 Sam.21:1-6).

The Pharisees were not judging these men according to the Law of Moses, which only prohibited work/ labor that brought them a profit on the Sabbath Day. They were judging them according to the teachings of the rabbis and the elders that had added 39 prohibited types of work. The traditions and teaching of men had been placed on the same level with the written Word of God. The disciples were not working; they were simply meeting a pressing need. They were hungry and they were simply doing what the Law gave them permission to do. They had only violated the traditions of men and the Pharisees were upset about it.

b. Healing on the Sabbath (3:1-5)

According to tradition, only if one’s life were in danger could you rescue or attempt to heal on the Sabbath. There is no such restriction in the Old Testament. These are simply examples of the Pharisees placing additional legislation.

Jesus demonstrated that human need always takes precedence over religious regulations and that the spirit rather than the letter of the law is what is important.

Are there any traditions that we place over God’s word in our lives?

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