Mark 5:21-43
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a. observations
i. Large and desperate crowds were a hindrance to Jesus’ ministry.
ii. Jesus tried to keep spectacular miracles secret.
iii. Only two miracles are recorded in detail, without statistics for the day
b. Interpretation
i. God deals with persons, not crowds. All of scripture is stories of individuals.
ii. Each of us is a unique creation: designed and planned by God
iii. We are each morally responsible for our own life and response to the Gospel.
c. Application
i. God doesn’t save crowds. He wants to save you, individually.
ii. Be glad if you are His: you have your own place and a name for eternity
iii. If you are not His, be afraid.
2. Two Different Healings
a. Observations
i. One healing very private, even unmentionable
ii. One healing very public, verifiable, spectacular, certainly a resurrection
b. Interpretation
i. Sin, disease and death entered into the world by one man, Adam. By the man Christ,
is victory over sin, disease, and even death.
ii. God works on the inside and the outside. He cleans the cup on the inside and in
doing gets it clean outside.
c. Application
i. We can have hope in the power and work of Jesus: for our needs now and for
ii. God works privately and show us off publically
3. Two Different Seekers
a. Observations
i. An unknown, a woman, broke
ii. Prominent ,influential, wealthy
iii. Jesus has time for both
b. Interpretation
i. Man looks on the outside, but God looks on the heart
ii. God’s values are different than our culture’s values
c. Application
i. Do you get down on yourself? What psychology calls a “poor self image” may really
be sin. It might be what God call covetousness: being jealous of the success of others.
4. Two Rhetorical Questions
a. Observations
i. “Who touched me?” is absurd in a pressing crowd.
ii. “Why are you crying?” is cruel to ask at a child’s funeral.
b. Interpretation
i. God’s questions are always rhetorical: he never needs information. He asks to
provoke a response.
ii. Jesus asked “Who touched me?” to provoke confession. He asked “Why are you
crying?” to test faith.
iii. Jesus’ greatest rhetorical question from the cross: “My God, why have you forsaken
me?” The answer is “my sin:” God forsook Jesus to ransom us.
c. Application
i. What is God asking you? He doesn’t need info. How will you respond?
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