Mark 6: 1-13


Jesus’ Rejection in His hometown & Jesus’ Release of His disciples

Mark 6:1-6 - Jesus’ Rejection & Response

The Rejection of Jesus 6: 2-3

No hero’s welcome in his hometown (Nazareth). Familiarity breeds contempt. Stumble at the ordinariness of With amazement mixed with doubt and skepticism, they ask derogatory and insulting questions.

They question the source of his wisdom & power (v.2) (Mark 3 :22 – teachers of law attributed Jesus power source to demons).

They question his birth (Son of Mary -not Joseph), his work, his family. v.3a.

“They took offense at him”. v.3b. Offense – Scandal. They were scandalized.

The Response of Jesus 6: 4-6

Jesus states the sad reality of a prophet’s rejection and denial of honour by his community, relatives and own house.v.4

Jesus “could not do any miracles there” except a few.v.5 . Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith. V.6 Their lack of faith, not His lack of power, kept Jesus from doing many miracles.

Jesus moves on (v.6b)


· Be encouraged when those closest to us, who know us well throw a wet blanket on our faith. Sometimes the greatest opposition will come from our own family / close circle of friends. Remember Jesus words in Matt 10:36 that a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.

· Don’t dismiss the message because of your familiarity of the messenger. Analyse your prejudices. God chooses the foolish, weak, lowly, despised (1 Cor.1:27,28)

· Our lack of faith can hinder / limit God’s power. How can we increase our faith? (word, fellowship,testimonies…) Avoid faith extremes. (Faith as a formula..if you have faith, everything will always work fine…./ whatever will happen will happen.passive ASK) Learn to hold in tension - God works because of our faith..God works inspite of our lack of faith- GRACE) Develop faith in God not faith in faith! God moves mountains.

· Don’t get bogged down when facing rejection. Move on and continue sharing Christ faithfully

Mark 6: 7-13: Jesus’ Release of His disciples

Their release 6: 7

Jesus sends them two by two and gives them authority v.7

We see Jesus’ heart to empower ordinary disciples to do extraordinary things. He entrusts his ministry to 12 later 70

He sends them with nothing but His authority. Like the Great Commission in Matt 28:18,19 (All authority given to me…therefore go..)

Their requirements 6: 8-11

- To take no food, no money, no extra clothes, no Bag – training in faith, total vulnerability, dependence on hosts- a humbling experience! v.8,9

- To stay in one house till they left that town v.10 They must neither seek better treatment nor move to more comfortable housing if offered.

- To shake the dust off feet and leave, when rejected v.11 Jewish custom when leaving a heathen/ Gentile area. A good Jew took pains not to carry back into Palestine any dust from non Jewish countries. Ti shake off the dust was a vivid gesture of complete break of fellowship and renunciation of responsibility for the person or community gestured at _ Ryrie.. To do this to Jews would be a shocking, dramatic way of pointing out the seriousness of their rejection and of impending judgement, perhaps with the hope that they might even change their minds.

Their results 6: 12-13

Preached repentance v.12

Performed miracles v.13

We see a balance in preaching on repentance (for sin sickness) and Signs & Wonders (for physical sickness).


  • God wants each one of us, his disciples, to be His hands, His feet, His, voice, His heart.., exercising His authority and transforming the world. He desires the whole church (every believer) to be mobilized for service, using all our gifts and talents (Eph.4:12) Ministry is not about a few super-specialists doing the job. Its all about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Church is not to follow the 80-20 principle. (80% of the work being done by 20% of the people) 100% of people to function. 6th R of Powerhouse – Role/Responsibility
  • God calls us to go in His authority, We must function from a place of complete dependence on Him, not depending on our own strength, resources or experience.
  • God does not want us to be lone rangers. He wants us to work in teams not alone, so there is fellowship, encouragement and accountability.
  • We must grow in the Word & in the Spirit. “If you have only the Word, you dry up. If you have only the Spirit, you blow up. If you have the Word & the Spirit, you grow up”

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